I’m trying to slot the Inners into RPG types, but I’m stuck on Minako and Rei. Usagi is defense (packs a fuck of a punch, sure, but she’s more Bastion than Soldier 76), Ami is support (a Symmetra kind of support), and Mako is undoubtedly the tank, but I’m not sure if Minako is dps and Rei is attack, or vice versa. Help please?


Hmm, I think I’m having trouble figuring out what kind of archetype system you’re using here. Your examples are all Overwatch, but I’m struggling to follow you there. For one, there are only four classes in Overwatch and five Senshi (which you know, there’s no law against doubling up, but you seem to be striving for a unique class for each). Then you mention Usagi as defense but not like Soldier 76 defense, but he’s an offensive character in the game not defensive. And I’m not really sure then what you mean as the basic difference, from a character perspective, between “attack” and “dps” (dps being typically offensive-style characters).

BASICALLY I’M CONFUSED ALL AROUND HERE. So I’ll just try to answer the basic question of “Which RPG archetypes do you think best fit the Inner Senshi?” All my opinion, of course.

Totally with you on Mako as a tank class. The first line of offense and defense, looking to be the damage absorbing meat shield. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t pack a punch on her own, but sucking up the damage so the others don’t have to is her main deal. (If we look to parallel her with Overwatch character powersets, I’d say Mako is Reinhardt.)

I think Usagi is more a healer/cleric type: useful for offense in specific circumstances, but best at buffing/supporting the others and keeping them on their feet. This is obviously going a bit outside the “Usagi kills everyone all the time” thing, and keeping more in line of how I think she’d fit into a combat situation if it weren’t her name in the title. (In terms of Overwatch, I think Usagi’s powerset aligns best with Mercy. She’s squishy as hell, too, and prone to screaming when anyone so much as breathes on her.)

Ami, I see as defense. She does have some offensive capabilities of course, but mostly where she thrives is in area effects and crowd control. Mist clouds, freezing enemies. Manipulating the environment (and information/strategy) is Ami’s domain. (For Overwatch, it feels a bit like a gimme, but I’d have to go with Mei.)

Bringing us to your initial question marks: Rei and Minako.

I see Rei as pure offense. A bit better off than your “glass cannon” types, she can certainly take a hit or two. But Rei’s primary battlefield purpose is to TORCH FUCKING EVERYTHING. This is the woman whose first response to every slightest inconvenience is “BURNING MANDALA”. Mako may be first on the line, but it’s usually because she had to run faster than Rei to get the fuck in front of her. (In Overwatch terms, I’d pair Rei with Pharah’s powerset for the range and explosive potential.)

This leaves us with Minako. who I’d best translate into a bardic type. Minako’s got the most versatility of the Inners, and like bards, she can thrive in an offense or defense capacity as needed. Whether it’s a well-timed Love Me Chain to pull an ally out of the way or a Crescent Beam to the enemy’s face, Minako can do it all. (Her Overwatch counterpart best fits as Lucio, I think. Particularly in the right hands, he can be invaluable support or a devastating attacker. He’s also consistently passed up for the glory of Play of the Game, SOMETHING TO WHICH MINAKO DEEPLY RELATES.)

Could you rank the Rei versions if you had to?

FRANKLY NO. Each version has something that I love and adore about Rei, it’s just hard to put it all into one coherent version. Like god knows ALL of the girls have differences between canons (I mean heck look at Ami in PGSM, that says it all), but to me Rei has generally the most severe differences. There is an essential Rei-ness to all of them but anime Rei vs. manga Rei vs. PGSM Rei are clearly different beasts in different circumstances. I think it was an easier time for me to get into manga Rei (you know the RELATABILITY FACTOR with me specifically) at first than anime Rei, but anime Rei had the baggage of THE DIC DUB holding her down, unfortunate but unavoidable ( “SO I KEPT IT” your sins are many and great). And I STILL haven’t finished PGSM as much as I know I should (and indeed I remembered what made me originally throw in the towel, it was part the fiance drama with Mamoru and part SAILOR LUNA like fuck me who thought THAT was a good idea), so I feel like I really can’t give proper judgement even though I do know the general shape of the series plot-wise.





“Usagi-chan is a girl who gave all of us something incomparable…”

“You don’t get it at all… If we had not met Usagi, we would all be alone right now!”

“She’s someone who is very important to us…”

“Please don’t take her away from us…”

i feel personally victimized by this



I wanted to give them all different skintones, so I may have split from canon a little with it.  Made the decision to give Makoto a bit of a tan.  Ami is visibly much paler, and the other three are very close.  Minako and Usagi are lighter and darker versions of the same color, where Rei has a very slight tint toward yellow (vs pink).

But yay, flats are done!